For one thing, you should really try to listen to the track while you are working with it. You don't need to try to memorize what different Hz frequencies will sound like. It can be helpful at times to know this information, but typically you won't be working with the same frequency all the time. Before you use the EQ, listen to the track so you can hear what parts of the track need to be equalized. This will give you the knowledge that you will need to have in order to use the EQ on the track.
Next, when it comes to EQ, less is always going to be better. Adding too much to a track can make it sound really muddled. It can often be tempting to add more and more different aspects to a track, which is not what you will want to do in most cases. So, instead of seeing what EQ can put into the track, you will want to see what the EQ can subtract from the track. Instead of using the EQ to add in more of something, like vocals, use the EQ to cut out something, like bass, in order to bring the vocals out more in the track.
The key is to get rid of some of the frequencies that are competing with others on the track. You need to listen to do different parts of the track by themselves to get an idea of what they sound like. Then, use the EQ on different parts of the track. Make sure that you listen to the entire track together first though so that the EQ fits in with the rest of the track on all the frequency levels.
You need to know that with an EQ plugin that the key is to get some balance in the track. If you are working with a pop tune, for instance, it's often true that the vocals are meant to be the main part of the track. So, you will want to use the EQ to subtract some of the other parts of the track in order to really bring out the vocals. One great thing about EQ is that if you have problems with the way a track was recorded you can use the EQ plugin to attempt to correct for some of these problems.